Founded in 1992 as a non-profit organization, our uniquely intimate theatre is located in the historic Portsmouth South End.
​Our Season features excellent new works, contemporary plays, and original interpretations of classics, spanning a variety of genres and stories that can spark joy, provoke reflection, and inspire empathy.
Sunday, Feb 16: the 2:30 PM show of AS SMALL AS STARS is going ahead as planned
As Small As Stars
By Will Murdock
Directed by Kelli Leigh-Ann Connors
Night after night, George and Mary Darling wait for their children to return from wherever they've gone. If they ever knew of Neverland, they've long forgotten. When magic starts creeping into their lives, Mary and George have to decide: should they keep going as they have been... or finally choose to believe?
Esther! The Musical
With Upside Arts
Some might think that living in a retirement home would be dull and slow paced, but that's not the case for Esther! Snubbed of victory in last year’s Annual Statewide Bingo Jamboree, Esther looking forward to the sweet taste of redemption... and the jello and cribbage to follow.
Our theatre is located on N’dakinna, the traditional ancestral homeland of the Abenaki, Pennacook and Wabanaki Peoples past and present.
We acknowledge and honor with gratitude the land and waterways and those who have stewarded N’dakinna throughout the generations.