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A Christmas Carol

A Beloved Holiday Tradition

December 2 – 22

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Thursdays at 7:00pm

Fridays and Saturdays at 7:30pm
Saturdays and Sundays at 2:30pm

Weeknights at 7:00pm, December 19-22

General Admission: $30

Students / Seniors (65+): $27

Children under 12: $17

Our neighbor "Puddle Dock" restaurant is offering a 10% discount on food and free parking to Players' Ring patrons! Visit their website to reserve, and present your ticket when you ask for your check.

A Christmas Carol (2022)

By Charles Dickens
Adapted and Directed by Michael Tobin

While this adaptation remains true to Charles Dickens' beloved novella, action prevails over narration in this engaging production of A Christmas Carol. With over 100 costume pieces and wigs, period set pieces and props, and numerous special effects, you will be transported to the Victorian 1800's from the very moment you step into the lobby. The show also features plenty of traditional and original music.

This is the adaptation that was used back in December 1992, for the Players' Ring Theatre's premiere production!


Ebenezer Scrooge – Michael J. Tobin

Bob Cratchit/Pickwick – Ralph Wark

Fred/Young Scrooge – Jeff Cabral

Caroler 3/Charity Man/Mr. Fezziwig/Doctor Brownlow/Old Joe – Jacob Kilroy

Marley/Dick Wilkins/Topper/Longford/Undertaker – Phil Adams

Ghost of Present/Charles/Mr. Tupman/The Vicar – Phil Hesketh

Mrs. Hughes/The School Mistress/Mrs. Cratchit/Mary Margaret/Ms. Hogarth – Jill Butterfield Maloney

Caroler 2/Ghost of Past/Marha Cratchit/Ghost of Future – Ava Valianti

Caroler 1/Charwoman/Mrs. Fezziwig/Alice – Katie Makem-Boucher

Charity Woman/Caroline/Belle/Fred's Wife/Mrs. Dilber – Corrie Owens-Beauchesne

Young Ebenezeer/Peter Cratchit/Ignorance/Boy on the Street – Michael Mone

Fan/Belinda Cratchit/Want/Servant Girl – Bexley Parkington

Tiny Tim – Lulu Richmond


Director & Production Designer – Michael J. Tobin

Stage Manager – Michaela Pride

Master Electrician – Christian Arnold

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